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Mild but effective formula
24h odor protection
Perfume- and alcohol-free

Protects sensitive skin from odor

Mild but effective, this deodorant is clinically proven to protect against odor and is free from potential allergens such as perfume and irritants such as alcohol.

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Product Info

Eucerin deodorant spray for sensitive skin

Eucerin 24h Deodorant Sensitive Skin Pump Spray is skin-friendly. Free from potential allergens such as perfume and irritants such as alcohol, it returns skin to its natural pH. The formula has been tested and proven to be effective on people with very sensitive skin and Atopic Dermatitis as well as those who are allergic to fragrance and/or suffer from deo intolerance caused by alcohol.

Clinical and dermatological studies

Clinical and dermatological studies prove that the product offers 24-hour protection against odor. It is well-tolerated by skin even in cases of Atopic Dermatitis or deo intolerance caused by fragrance and alcohol.


  • fragrance-free
  • alcohol-free

How to use


  • Apply after showering – in the morning and/or evening – and top up whenever needed

Do not use if your skin is irritated or damaged or if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Do's and Dont's

Use this product if …

You are looking for long-lasting protection:

The formula is proven to protect against body odor for more than 24 hours.

You have very sensitive skin.

Eucerin 24h Deodorant Sensitive Skin Pump Spray has been clinically and dermatologically proven to be suitable for sensitive skin.

You have Atopic Dermatitis:

Eucerin 24h Deodorant Sensitive Skin Pump Spray is suitable for atopic skin.

You are prone to deo intolerance caused by alcohol and allergic reactions caused by fragrance.

Eucerin 24h Deodorant Sensitive Skin Pump Spray is alcohol- and perfume-free.

Try a different product if …

You’re intolerant to any of the ingredients:

Eucerin 48h Deodorant Sensitive Skin Pump Spray contains Aluminium Chlorohydrate. If your skin is intolerant to this ingredient try Eucerin 24h Aluminium-free Deodorant for Sensitive Skin Roll-On which does not contain Aluminium.

You’re looking for a deodorant for sensitive skin but prefer a roll-on format.

Try Eucerin 24h Deodorant Sensitive Skin Roll-On.

You suffer from heavy or excessive sweating:

Try Eucerin 48h Anti-Transpirant Roll-On for heavy sweating and Eucerin 72h Anti-Transpirant Intensive Pump-Spray for excessive sweating.


How it works

Even a small amount of Aluminium Chlorohydrate can effectively reudce sweat.

Deodorants do not prevent sweat, but fresh sweat doesn’t smell – it’s only when bacteria gets to work on it that odor forms. The Eucerin formulas contain a small amount of Aluminium Chlorohydrate which reduces the amount of sweat produced as well as substances which reduce the amount of bacteria and restore skin to its natural, midly acidic pH to slow down the growth of that odor-producing bacteria.

FAQ (4)

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I valori Eucerin

Pionieri nel prendersi cura della pelle

Eucerin si prende cura della tua pelle per proteggerla e per mantenere il suo aspetto sano e luminoso.

Raccomandata dai dermatologi​

Eucerin lavora al fianco dei più importanti dermatologi e farmacisti di tutto il mondo per creare trattamenti innovativi, efficaci e raccomandabili dagli esperti.

Impegnati nell’innovazione​

Da oltre 100 anni, Eucerin si dedica alla ricerca e all’innovazione in campo scientifico, con l’obiettivo di creare ingredienti performanti e formule lenitive dall’elevata tollerabilità per aiutarti, ogni giorno, a migliorare la qualità della tua vita.

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